ITB-UoA Joint Summer School Program 2018 on Petroleum Geoscience
July 8-19, 2018: After conducting the Joint Summer School Program 2018 on Geohazards (ITB-KIT-ANU), FTTM-ITB held another summer school program in 2018 for the second time. This summer school activity was led by Dr. Mohammad Rachmat Sule and offered a comprehensive introduction to the subject of petroleum geoscience – especially reservoirs, resources, reserves, basic seismic and rock physics. The program also involved several excursions to Tangkuban Parahu volcano, Kamojang Geothermal field, Kamojang crates. Besides that, cultural and social activities were included in the program. This program is collaboration between FTTM-ITB and Australian School of Petroleum, University of Adelaide. The program was participated by 13 ITB and 18 UoA students. The lecture materials were given by Prof. Dr. John Kaldi (UoA), Prof. Dr. Sigit Sukmono (ITB), Dr. Ignatius Sonny Winardhie (ITB), Dr. Fatkhan (ITB), Dr. Alfian Bahar (ITB), and Dr. Mohammad Rachmat Sule (ITB). Contributions that were given by several lecture assistants from UoA (Tayallen Velayatham) and from ITB (Ekkal Dinanto, Dona S. Ambarsari, Riskiray Ryannugroho and Maria Binar) could realize the program successfully. This program is also supported by World Class University (WCU) Program of ITB.

Summer School UoA ITB 2018

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