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Field Program

Karangsambung Field Lecture

Undergraduate Program Geophysical Engineering ITB routinely conducts field courses to Karangsambung, Kebumen, Central Java. Field lecture is a process of transforming students Geophysical Engineering into junior geophysicist, that is someone who has mastered geophysical science and has been applying his knowledge in real by working on the real situation in the field.

Karangsambung is a rocky area derived from a group of rocks forming oceanic plates and continental plates. The collection of rocks is mixed and collected over millions of years, so it has a complex geological element. Karangsambung is a geological nature laboratory that has various elements and structures of geological rock that is complete, therefore it is suitable to be a place to learn.

The course covers six days of geology field coursework and followed by six days of geophysics field coursework. The background of this field geology lecture is to improve students’ understanding of geological materials (in theory) that have been given in the lecture, which is about rocks and minerals. Thus, students are expected to know how the physical forms of an outcrop, the characteristics of rock and the process of rock and mineral incidence itself in nature. Likewise with the field of geophysics field, students will be more free to take advantage of opportunities to practice his knowledge. Students will perform simple geological mapping and face field challenges in the field including natural elements such as weather.