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Prof. Kun Sang Lee (Hanyang University, South Korea)

Prof. Nicholas Rawlinson (Cambridge University)

 Prof. Ir. Tutuka Ariadji, M.Sc., Ph.D., IPU. (Bandung Institute of Technology)

Prof. Yiqiang Li (China University of Petroleum-Beijing)

Dr. Ir. Edy Sanwani M.T. (Bandung Institute of Technology)

Ignatius Sonny Winardhie, Ph.D. (Bandung Institute of Technology)

Dr. Eng. Iwan Setiawan, MT. (Head of Research Center for Geological Resources of BRIN)

Ir. Nenny Miryani Saptadji, Ph.D (Geothermal Expert / Lecturer of ITB Geothermal Master’s Program)

Dr. Masoud Babaei (University of Manchester, UK)

Tegar Ksatria,S.T. (Underground Mine Engineer, LKAB)